Les essentiels pour les changements de température

Essentials for temperature changes

Who says change of temperature and season, says (more often than not) skin and hair apocalypse. There are several factors that cause dry skin and hair including: The ambient air which is drier; Heating which...
Cheveux abîmés, comment reprendre le contrôle?

Damaged hair, how to regain control?

Who doesn't dream of having long, healthy, silky hair ? Life being what it is, with heat styling, environmental factors, coloring and bleaching, we all hit the wall of damaged hair at times. Unfortunately, it...
Tout-petits | Les essentiels pour un bain sans crise

Toddlers | Essentials for a tantrum-free bath

With the return to school and routine, having gentle products that are suitable for your little ones' hair is absolutely essential in order to facilitate your evening routine while avoiding tears and tantrums. As parents,...
Retour à l'école | N'oublie pas de ne pas t'oublier

Back to school | Don't forget to remember yourself

Going back to school means mixed feelings of relief at finally getting back to your normal routine and anxiety about running around trying to accomplish your normal routine. If you are a mother, student, teacher,...
Mes cheveux ne poussent pas! | Que faire?

My hair is not growing! | What to do?

If you've made it this far, you're probably one of those women who dream of having long hair but feel like nothing is helping them achieve this ultimate goal. Read this, take notes, apply our...
Comment bien protéger sa peau lors de son exposition au soleil?

How to protect your skin when exposed to the sun?

In our last article, we talked about how to properly prepare your skin for exposure to the sun; now that it's done and the good weather is officially here, it's time to equip yourself to...
Comment bien préparer sa peau à l'exposition au soleil?

How to properly prepare your skin for sun exposure?

Before the sun and good weather really show up, we wanted to give you some tips to prepare (yes, yes!) and protect your skin from sun exposure. By strengthening your skin's natural defenses before exposure...
Cheveux blonds | Comment les entretenir entre vos rendez-vous au salon?

Blonde Hair | How to Maintain It Between Salon Appointments?

FINALLY! You've achieved your dream blonde and want to maintain it properly so as not to waste all your hairdresser's efforts? Now is where we come in. MOISTURIZING SHAMPOO & CONDITIONER Maintaining the shine of...
Cheveux gras | Comment les traiter?

Oily hair | How to treat it?

Can't get rid of your oily hair? Let's start with the basics of the problem: hair is not oily, a scalp is . Moreover, you also need to know how to differentiate between a scalp...

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