Dandruff | How to treat it?

Do you have dandruff and an itchy scalp ? Let us help you treat this problem.
To properly advise you, you must first diagnose your dandruff type. How to tell the difference between dry dandruff and oily dandruff?
If your dandruff remains stuck to the base of your scalp and is accompanied by itching, you have oily dandruff .
If your dandruff is visible on your clothes, neck and/or shoulders, you have dry dandruff .
To eliminate dandruff, the Melaleuca purifying treatment by René Furterer is essential. By repeating this treatment once or twice a week, you will quickly see a difference.

This 3-phase treatment cleanses, purifies and soothes the scalp .
- Start the treatment by applying René Furterer Complex 5 stimulating plant concentrate to the scalp. Complex 5 will purify the scalp and ensure deep penetration of the treatment. This will make the treatment 10 times more effective. Rinse your hair.
- Apply René Furterer Melaleuca Exfoliating Gel , section by section, to your wet scalp. Massage lightly for 1 minute and rinse.
- To treat oily dandruff, follow with René Furterer Melaleuca Oily Dandruff Shampoo . Work up a first lather, massage the scalp and rinse. Work up a second lather, massage the scalp and leave on for 3 minutes before rinsing.
- To treat dry dandruff, follow with René Furterer Melaleuca Dry Dandruff Shampoo . Work up a first lather, massage into the scalp and rinse. Work up a second lather, massage into the scalp and leave on for 3 minutes before rinsing.